Monday, September 20, 2010

Premiere Night

Premiere night may have started last night but for me, it began tonight. There is nothing I look forward to more than a fresh season of my favorite shows. Cue How I Met Your Mother. Oh how I have missed this show. From Barney's quick wit to Marshall and Lilly's banter, there is nothing I love more than sitting down on Monday night to get my dose of HIMYM.
This season opened with us at a wedding. Whose wedding you may ask, well, we don't know yet. But Barney was absent during the wedding scene. I can't wait for Ausiello to fill us in on that one. I laugh at Barney whenever he is on the screen. Robin is a mess. I hope she recovers, not sure about if I want Barney with her again though. I love the two of the together, but I love Barney alone more. His character is just LEGENDARY! I wish the writers would quick teasing us about this whole mother thing. I know we need to figure out who she is, but I am kinda of enjoying the ride and don't want it to end. I guess Ted just wants to know who the mother is.

What is premier night with out CHUCK! How can we recover from the season three finale with Chuck giving up his job as a spy. Well, I hope you all new better than to believe that would last for long. I cried when his dad died, now he is on the search for mom. Not sure how I feel about mom. Elle gave us some news of her own which leads us to believe that Chuck has all the more reason to look for dear ol' mommy. A new Buy-More has appeared with no clue as to the wear abouts of our favorite Buy-More employees. Major disappointment for the episode: Where is Awesome?

Favorite new show of the season: Mike and Molly. I laughed several times at this new show. I didn't really know alot of it before I tuned in but I don't regret it. Maybe I relate since I am a teacher, and a pleasently plumb woman but this show cracked me up. Now somethings I can do with out and I don't think it will develop a cult following like Big Bang Theory but it is an enjoyable sitcom. I plan to watch it again next week.

Well that's all I have for tonight. I have other shows on my dvr that I will review later.
For now, I am hitting the power button on the remote. Good night!